Tuesday, May 11, 2010

For My Friends...

Days were filled with tears
Moments were filled with pain
Thoughts were filled with memories
Dreams were filled with nightmares

Till not long ago I though it was impossible
To find the friend most search for all their life
I lost so many friends as years came and went
After all I've been through
After all those who left my life

I never thought I'd find a friend as good as the ones I've lost
A friend who'd be by my side and who'd listen to my thoughts
Maybe these are just words
Maybe it'll all change with time

Even though we only know each other from far, far away
Even though the Internet is the only communication we share
I Trust you more with every word
I would stand by your side when no one else would
I would tell you the truth even though it might hurt

The words I'm trying to say is that you are one of my true friends
You know what I feel, you know my little ways,
You never judge me, you never have.

You're there for me to wipe the tears
You're always there to lend a ear
Maybe someday you'll forget my face, you'll forget who I am,
But I will always know to be true
That there aren't many friends as good as you

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