Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Portugal. The Man / The Endangered Song (Vinyl Remaster)

Portugal. The Man has teamed up with the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute to spread the an important message regarding the rapid extinction of the Sumatran Tiger. With less than 400 of these beautiful tigers left in the world, the band has recorded a new track entitled "Endangered Song".

The track has only been released on 400 vinyl copies distributed to influencers who are asked to digitize the album. The vinyl itself is made out of materials that will degrade over time, so unless the track is digitized and spread, the song itself will disappear as well as the Sumatran Tiger. Please spread the word of this beautiful message, help support the repopulation of the Sumatran Tiger, and share this fantastic new song. You can find more information about the cause in the video below or by visiting www.endangeredsong.si.edu.